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The CYPRUS BROADCASTING CORPORATION (CyBC) is the public broadcaster of the Republic of Cyprus. CyBC is a full member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which is based in Geneva. It is also a member of the Commonwealth Broadcasters Association (CBΑ), the Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM) and the European Association of Regional Television (CIRCOM). It is also a founding shareholder of EuroNews. As stipulated in national legislation, the mission of CyBC is to provide public broadcasting services within ... See more

Nicosia FM|91.1
Paphos FM|96.5
Ραδιοφωνικό Ίδρυμα Κύπρου Τ.Θ. 24824 1397 Λευκωσία Κύπρος
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The CYPRUS BROADCASTING CORPORATION (CyBC) is the public broadcaster of the Republic of Cyprus.

CyBC is a full member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which is based in Geneva. It is also a member of the Commonwealth Broadcasters Association (CBΑ), the Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM) and the European Association of Regional Television (CIRCOM). It is also a founding shareholder of EuroNews.

As stipulated in national legislation, the mission of CyBC is to provide public broadcasting services within the Republic, responding directly to the democratic, social and cultural needs of Cypriot society and to the need to secure pluralism of, inter alia, cultural and linguistic diversity in mass media, including a balanced package of services consisting of informative, cultural and entertainment programmes, social service programmes, programmes addressed to overseas Cypriots, and transmissions related to national emergencies and civil protection efforts.

CyBC is a public corporation governed by a nine-member Board of Directors appointed for a three-year term by the Council of Ministers. The Director General is the chief executive officer, appointed by the Board of Directors and endorsed by the Council of Ministers.

The first steps in broadcasting in Cyprus were taken in spring 1951, during the British rule. The first radio programmes were aired on 4 October 1953 and the first TV programmes in October 1957. Upon independence of Cyprus in 1960, the “Cyprus Broadcasting Service” became the “Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation”.

The creative flurry in all departments of CyBC that followed independence led to the rapid development of the organisation. Programmes increased, services were staffed, office and studio facilities were built, and transmitter and relay stations were installed. Transmission increased gradually to 24 hours per day, both on radio and on television. Programmes are transmitted throughout the world either via the satellite channel RIKSAT or via Internet (

CYBC RADIO services include four channels, each with its own special identity:

The First Channel (FM: 97.2 MHz, 92.4 MHz and MW:963 KHz) has been on the air since the early 1950s. Today, it carries news, current affairs, cultural, athletic and musical programmes, in Greek. It also carries programmes made especially for the Maronite and Latin (Catholic) religious groups. In addition, it airs programmes for overseas Cypriots. One such programme, entitled “Cyprus, my home country” is sent to and re-broadcast by 22 Greek-language radio stations throughout the world.

The Second Channel (FM: 91.1 MHz and 97.9 MHz) has been on the air since the struggle for liberation in the mid-1950s. It broadcasts news, current affairs and entertainment in English, Turkish and Armenian. It also carries programmes for visitors in English, French and German.

The Third Channel (FM: 94.8 MHz, MHz 94.0 and MW:603 KHz) has been on the air since September 1990 and steadily tops ratings for all radio stations in Cyprus, boasting thousands of overseas Cypriots as its most loyal listeners. It carries news and current affairs, talk shows on current issues of general interest, all in Greek, as well as athletic musical programmes, with the participation of listeners.

The Fourth Channel (FM: 88.2 MHz and 90.2 MHz) first aired in 2002 re-broadcasting the greek radio channel Love Radio and was renamed “the Fourth” in 2006. It transmits Greek and international music in the easy listening format. It also relays news bulletins broadcast by the First and Third Channels, as well as the main TV news bulletin at 20.00 hours Cyprus time.

CYBC TV services include two channels, CyBC1 and CyBC2, each with its distinct identity.

CyBC1 has been on the air since the late 1950s, initially in black and white and since December 1982 in colour (PAL as of 1991). It broadcasts in Greek news and current affairs, popular series and films.

CyBC2 was inaugurated in 1992, with a separate identity. It broadcasts childrens’ and sports programmes in Greek, and news bulletins in Turkish and English. It also features a daily bi-communal programme called “ΒΙΖ/ΕΜΕΙΣ” (We) in Greek and Turkish, focusing on issues of interest to both Turkish and Greek Cypriots, in addition to cultural programmes and films.

RIKSAT broadcasts all productions of CyBC (news and current affairs, theatrical plays, documentaries and local sports), as well as religious services and international sports events.

CyBC re-broadcasts to Cyprus the satellite channel ERT World of the Greek public broadcaster ERT on the basis of a formal agreement between Cyprus and Greece, as well as EuroNews in English.

Most television programmes and all radio programmes of CyBC, including their news and current affairs, are available free of charge on its Internet website at

Currently, CyBC is preparing for digital transmission of its programmes, within the context of a decision by the Republic of Cyprus to introduce digital television by 2012.
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