Radio 2XS

Código de inserción
]In the 1980s, Jeff Cooper started-up and ran LBC Music Radio, an Italian 'border blaster' station over looking the Swiss city of Lugano: the picture above is of the transmitting mast. Later, he created the radio shows 'XS' and '2XS', and then launched this station back in 2002, along with with several other experienced broadcasters and committed music fans. Jeff has been involved in promoting New Music and non-mainstream albums for decades on many radio stations - he may well be the longest-running continuous broadcaster of New Music in Britain... Ver más
[email protected]
radio2XS Ltd, 89 Middlewood Rd, Hillsborough, Sheffield. S6 4GX England.
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[2023-12-31 07:23:47]
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In the 1980s, Jeff Cooper started-up and ran LBC Music Radio, an Italian 'border blaster' station over looking the Swiss city of Lugano: the picture above is of the transmitting mast. Later, he created the radio shows 'XS' and '2XS', and then launched this station back in 2002, along with with several other experienced broadcasters and committed music fans. Jeff has been involved in promoting New Music and non-mainstream albums for decades on many radio stations - he may well be the longest-running continuous broadcaster of New Music in Britain. Here, we all believe in the music we play, which we reckon is a better reflection of the past 70 Years Of Rock & Roll than you will hear elsewhere.
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