Radio Hard Rockin 80s


From the old school classic bands like Black Sabbath and Deep Purple to the newest bands like Holy Grail and Crashdiet, we've got you covered!


Hard Rockin was founded to do one thing: To Keep the 80s Rock & Metal alive. There were so many great bands and songs that are too often sneered at now. We say to hell with that! We play it all. From the sleeze and glam to the heaviest and hardest bands. We don't care if it's a power ballad or a power metal song. If it's good. It's here. Even if it's not good, chances are it's here somewhere... We aren't afraid to play the deepest cuts. In fact, we have over 16,000 songs online and adding more monthly. We had over 30,000 before a multi... See more

1614 Citadel Drive Columbia, MO 65202
last update
[2024-03-18 06:20:47]
Hard Rockin was founded to do one thing:

To Keep the 80s Rock & Metal alive.

There were so many great bands and songs that are too often sneered at now. We say to hell with that! We play it all. From the sleeze and glam to the heaviest and hardest bands. We don't care if it's a power ballad or a power metal song. If it's good. It's here. Even if it's not good, chances are it's here somewhere...

We aren't afraid to play the deepest cuts. In fact, we have over 16,000 songs online and adding more monthly. We had over 30,000 before a multitude of technological issues wiped out our library. We put all songs out there for you to request. We don't just play the popular songs from the 80s. We support 80s artists and their efforts into the 90s, 2000's and beyond. We are here to support the artists.

We also feature independent artists. Bands that have that 80s feel, even if they are not from the 80s. We hope you enjoy the community we have here and enjoy the bands you know. And discover new bands that you missed.
©, 2009-2025 (2025-03-01,08:19:03)