Radio Jupok

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Rozaje Montenegro 24H live
]Radio JUPOK kao treci privatni radio u Crnoj Gori svoj 24 casovni program emituje od sredine juna 1995.godine na 98,7 i 102,5MHz.Posluje u sastavu firme Jupok brace Hadzibegovic.Osim u Rozajama odakle se emituje program, signal Jupok radija se cuje i u susjednim opstinama Beranama, Andrijevici, Bijelom Polju, Mojkovcu, Kolasinu, Tutinu, Sjenici...Emisije su muzicko-zabavnog karaktera,te sa informacijama iz sporta i kulture. Jupok ima izuzetno razvijen komercijalni program i do sada je emitovano vise hiljada razlicitih reklamnih spotova.Popularn... Uczyć się więcej
Rozaje FM|98.7
[email protected]
TRG IX crnogorske 6, Rožaje, Montenegro
ostatnia aktualizacja
[2023-03-17 05:04:51]
12Polecane stacje radiowe:
Radio JUPOK kao treci privatni radio u Crnoj Gori svoj 24 casovni program emituje od sredine juna 1995.godine na 98,7 i 102,5MHz.Posluje u sastavu firme Jupok brace Hadzibegovic.Osim u Rozajama odakle se emituje program, signal Jupok radija se cuje i u susjednim opstinama Beranama, Andrijevici, Bijelom Polju, Mojkovcu, Kolasinu, Tutinu, Sjenici...Emisije su muzicko-zabavnog karaktera,te sa informacijama iz sporta i kulture. Jupok ima izuzetno razvijen komercijalni program i do sada je emitovano vise hiljada razlicitih reklamnih spotova.Popularnosti ovog radija doprinose brojne kontakt emisije, te veoma bogata fonoteka raznovrsnih muzickih izdanja...
Music Radio Jupok was established in the middle of June 1995 and started broadcasting as the third independent radio in Montenegro. It is possible to tune into the signal on FM 98.7 and 102.5 MHz round the clock. The Radio is a subsidiary of JUPOK Company of Rozaje run by Hadzibegovic brothers. Radio Jupok , with its popular music, commercials and community information as well as culture and sport program is listened to by the people of the rest of North Montenegro and some areas of Serbia, particularly Berane, Andrijevica, Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac, Kolasin as well as Tutin and Sjenica.It has highly developed commercial programs which have broadcast several thousand commercials by now. The Music library is very rich with recordings of different kinds of music. This has been the result relationships developed between music record companies of present and former Yugoslavia and music stars who are often guests of Jupok.Thanks for your interest and time
Music Radio Jupok was established in the middle of June 1995 and started broadcasting as the third independent radio in Montenegro. It is possible to tune into the signal on FM 98.7 and 102.5 MHz round the clock. The Radio is a subsidiary of JUPOK Company of Rozaje run by Hadzibegovic brothers. Radio Jupok , with its popular music, commercials and community information as well as culture and sport program is listened to by the people of the rest of North Montenegro and some areas of Serbia, particularly Berane, Andrijevica, Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac, Kolasin as well as Tutin and Sjenica.It has highly developed commercial programs which have broadcast several thousand commercials by now. The Music library is very rich with recordings of different kinds of music. This has been the result relationships developed between music record companies of present and former Yugoslavia and music stars who are often guests of Jupok.Thanks for your interest and time
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