Mouv' Радіо


Mon époque, ma radio


Le Mouv' is a French youth-oriented radio station which commenced broadcasting on 17 June 1997. As part of Radio France, it is a public radio station. The station primarily plays alternative rock. Initially based in Toulouse, it moved to Paris in December 2001. The radio station does not claim to be a rock music station, and rather a station with L'Esprit Rock (The Rock Spirit). L'Esprit Rock being a way of life and a style as well as a type of music.

Ajaccio FM|92.0
Amiens FM|91.0
Angers FM|96.0
Annecy 2 FM|99.4
Besancon FM|93.5
Bordeaux FM|87.7
Brest FM|94.0
Caen FM|87.8
Cannes FM|101.0
Carcassonne FM|90.0
Dijon FM|88.9
Grenoble FM|95.5
Lille FM|91.0
Limoges FM|107.6
Lorient FM|103.3
Lyon FM|87.8
Marseille FM|96.8
Mende 2 FM|107.2
Montpellier FM|102.7
Nantes FM|96.1
Nice FM|101.0
Paris FM|92.1
Provence FM|107.6
Reims FM|101.1
Rennes FM|107.3
Rouen FM|95.8
Toulouse FM|95.2
Tours FM|94.1
Valence FM|100.7
... Дізнатися більше
116 avenue Kennedy, 75016 Paris, France
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[2023-03-24 21:28:28]
2023-12-08 18:01:29
La meilleure radio, j'ai demandé et ils ont appelé.
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Радио отдых