Radio Spectrum FM Spain


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Spectrum FM is the largest English language music station in southern Spain. Playing the Classic Hits from the 70s, 80s, 90s and Today. Updating the news and local information you need to know today and every day. Taking in large ex-patriate regions... Costa del Sol · Costa Blanca · Costa Almeria · Costa Calida Benidorm · Marbella · Murcia · Malaga · Alicante With a growing audience thanks to our constant commitment to Classic Hit music. In the Costa Almeria our position as market leader is especially strong with over 42% of all radio listening... See more

Marbella FM|105.5
Spectrum FM is the largest English language music station in southern Spain.

Playing the Classic Hits from the 70s, 80s, 90s and Today.

Updating the news and local information you need to know today and every day.

Taking in large ex-patriate regions...

Costa del Sol · Costa Blanca · Costa Almeria · Costa Calida

Benidorm · Marbella · Murcia · Malaga · Alicante

With a growing audience thanks to our constant commitment to Classic Hit music.

In the Costa Almeria our position as market leader is especially strong with over 42% of all radio listening, while in the Costa del Sol, Costa Blanca and Costa Calida we have doubled our audience and listening duration, clearly defining Spectrum FM’s place as the Number o­ne English language music station.

In 2007 we celebrated our 10th birthday – we have been providing entertaining, compelling radio since 1997.

We have also been providing excellent customer service to our valued clients, which have included British Airways, Thomsonfly, Linea Directa and The Daily Mail.

We target an age range of 35-64 and provide a blend of Classic Hit music.

Elton John, Madonna, John Lennon, David Bowie, Fleetwood Mac and Whitney Houston all make the grade as Spectrum FM core artists. Plus, we keep up to date with today’s rising stars, such as James Blunt, Michael Buble, Katie Melua and Robbie Williams. Classic Hits of the 70s, 80s, 90s and Today.

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