Radio mfm 92.6


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MFM 92.6 is an independent community radio station offering an alternative to the monotony of conservative mainstream radio stations! In-touch with and part of the community, MFM knows its listeners intimately and is a welcome and familiar sound in homes, offices and automobiles throughout our broadcast area. MFM is the young, fresh and exciting alternative to the same-old same-old supplied by mainstream radio in South Africa. By closely involving the community in all of our projects, MFM is able to give the community what it wants, when it'... See more

Stellenbosch FM|92.6
PO Box 3426 Matieland 7602
MFM 92.6 is an independent community radio station offering an alternative to the monotony of conservative mainstream radio stations! In-touch with and part of the community, MFM knows its listeners intimately and is a welcome and familiar sound in homes, offices and automobiles throughout our broadcast area. MFM is the young, fresh and exciting alternative to the same-old same-old supplied by mainstream radio in South Africa. By closely involving the community in all of our projects, MFM is able to give the community what it wants, when it's wanted. Through this unique approach, MFM is more in-touch with and sensitive to the needs, wants and desires of our listeners.
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