Radio RAI Filodiffusione 4 Leggera (RAI FD4 Leggera)


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FD4 Leggera is a radio station owned and prodced by the Italian State broadcaster RAI, and broadcast on Filodiffusione (the Cable radio service launched in 1958 by RAI and SIP, now Telecom Italia), on Hot Bird satellite and with DAB (only in Italy) and DVB-T technologies.

From 24 PM to 6 AM CET also on Medium Wave on Notturno Italiano frequencies.

FD4 Leggera broadcast pop, rock, fusion, jazz, to Latin American, movie soundtracks, melodic and easy-listening symphonic music, without commercial.

Largo Villy De Luca, 4 - 00188 ROMA
last update
[2023-10-04 04:27:46]
2023-11-18 09:27:40
Tanti nuovi prodotti, bravi presentatori.
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