Radio 93X (KQQX)


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KQQX (93.3 FM, "93X") is a commercial radio station in Steelville, Missouri, with a construction permit to move to Hermann, Missouri, broadcasting to the western suburbs of the Saint Louis, Missouri, area.

Originally airing in Steelville, Missouri, with call letters KNSX owner, Twenty-One Sound Communications, sought to sell the station in September, 2007 for a reported $15 million. No suitable buyers were found. On December 14, 2007 The FCC approved a call letter change to KQQX, as well as a construction permit for the station to move t... Uczyć się więcej

Steelville FM|93.3
KQQX (93.3 FM, "93X") is a commercial radio station in Steelville, Missouri, with a construction permit to move to Hermann, Missouri, broadcasting to the western suburbs of the Saint Louis, Missouri, area.

Originally airing in Steelville, Missouri, with call letters KNSX owner, Twenty-One Sound Communications, sought to sell the station in September, 2007 for a reported $15 million. No suitable buyers were found. On December 14, 2007 The FCC approved a call letter change to KQQX, as well as a construction permit for the station to move to Hermann, Missouri.

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